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Types of Analysis in Forex

If you’ve already made the decision to dive right into forex, then you’re in good company. Everyday thousands upon thousands of traders make the decision to jump into the world’s biggest financial market. Will you be one of them? That’s up to you, but there are some things that you will need to know in order to really have control over your financial future.
You will need to be able to study data in a way that allows you to make decisions. This is naturally called analysis, but you might be surprised how many new forex traders think that they don’t need it. You want to always make sure that you think about the bigger picture no matter what you do. Forex trading is going to be a lot of research. Would you want to put your clothes on in the dark and make an important business speech to highly influential people? No, not at all. You would want to do as much planning as you possibly could.
So let’s go over the main types of analysis used in the forex market world.
The big three types of market analysis are technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and sentiment analysis. While you can Google this on your own and find lively debates on which one is the best, the reality is that you’re going to need all three in order to be a consistent forex trader.
The one that you will probably rely on time after time would have to be technical analysis. This is the framework where traders look at price movement over time in order to figure out where the market is going, or where to invest next. There is a lot of important information that can be gleaned from the past, and you would be wise to remember that. There are numerous forex rumors that talk about what price things will reach and what have you, but is that really true? Technical analysis can give you the scoop before anything else.
There’s also fundamental analysis, which is basically looking at the economic, social, and political issues that can affect the marketplace. You will want to definitely look at fundamental analysis through reading the financial section of most newspapers, but you also want to make sure that you study current events. If you hated this subject in high school, you’ll hate it again in forex — only worse now, because it’s gotten so important.
There’s also sentiment analysis, which is basically a look at how people feel about the market as a whole. This is going to be how bullish or bearish the market is, which can be used to determine YOUR next moves.
As mentioned before, there is a lot that goes into forex, but it really all starts with analysis. The better you get at analysis, the easier it will be to avoid the same old problems creeping up on you as you listen to just about everyone and their grandmother telling you what to do in forex. The more you can focus, the more money you will make over time!


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